Thursday, April 1, 2010


We often see the world from its negatives,
from the corruption to scandals,
governments no longer a hub for morality,
the world painted red,
with blood washed from our own souls,
Our veins lay there, naked and bare,
blood spilling at will.

Our neighbours, no longer friendly,
relationships stained with mud,
infidelity even from the most innocent.
dreams no longer sweet,
but bitter and scary nightmares,
screams rent the air around us,
our children no longer sleep peaceful,
what is happening?
people dying every day
corpses spread all over,
our land naked and shameful.

This aint what the world is supposed to be,
What went wrong?
On camera we defend,
behind the clicks we strike the gold in,
into our pockets.
Cash meant for the sick,
eaten and digested by the systems of the rich,
talk of political savagery and slavery.

What's the use of all this nonsense?
What happened to human rights?
God aint happy with us all.
We run to church to pray,
yet the next day someone signs the cheque to his bank account.
Our words send people to the cemetery,
My dream has always been one,
seeing society a better place than I found it.

I will rise up,
rise up just like the sun,
and change where am supposed to,
I will rise up
and leave the earth better than it is,
I will soar like an eagle,
high above the sky,
I will be the change agent.
that those around will be influenced,
and those influenced will infect others,
and that the infected will make the change effective,
and when we are effective,
the world will be changed.
And as one big family of influencers,
We will bring up a generation of influencers

It may sound a pipe-dream for now,
but someday my dream to fly over the rainbow will be real
Its time to rise up
and live the dream.

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